Woolly Rhinoceros
Coelodonta antiquitantis

Museum Twentse
Wellen Enschede
The Netherlands

300 cm excl.horn
140 cm.


±9 weeks

The cave paintings from France were a guideline in the colours and hair placement of the model.I like to thank D. Mol for his help and scientific input in this project.
Diensea 4 "Neue Angaben Uber Horner des Fellnashorns Coelodonte antiqituitatis,
Diensea 8 "Skull pathologies in Coelodonta antiqituitantis,
De wolharige neushoorn : De mummies van Starunia,
Grzimek, het leven der dieren,
The rise of the mammals, M. J. Benton PH.D. ,
Leven in de oertijd, Spinar , Burian,
De grote encyclopedie van de mens, J. Jelinek,
Journey through the Ice Age, Paul G. Bahn,
De oermens, Door F. Clark Howell,
Neushoorn in het nauw, Edmond en Chrysee Bradley Martin,,
Journey through the ice age, Paul G. Bahn,
An atlas of animal anatomy, W. Ellenberger , H. Dittrich and H. Baum,
Grose tieranatomie, Gottfried Bammes.